Download ReDye! (1.12+ only) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: ReDye! (1.12+ only)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1282 - Published at: 5 years ago


Already crafted a concrete but the color seems to not be right? Well, not anymore with ReDye add-on! This add-on allows you to dye concrete, and concrete powders into another color by just adding a dye – no need to craft all over again!


 Experimental Gameplay must be enabled, and only works on Minecraft Bedrock v1.12+.

  • In a crafting grid, add the concrete or concrete powder you want to change, then add a dye color to color it with that. No need for a crafting table either!

Re-staining Glass

  • Currently unavailable. I will update sooner or later so you can easily re-stain glass as well!

More Information

  • Download link is now mediafire. Do not download an .apk file, accept or turn the notifications when asked, Just skip the ad by clicking the ‘top-left’ yellow button on the page. And you should be redirected to mediafire to download the add-on. Ad only lasts for 5 seconds to support my life.
  • Do not distribute unfairly or without my permission. 

(c) r4isen


