Download RealTek Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: RealTek Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1387 - Published at: 4 years ago


Addon that will spice your game up and test your survival skills. It adds: realistic fishing, realistic mining, and new thirst system. As this gives a new survival experience to all bored and wants some difficulties and challenge, but still vanilla type minecraft.

-Papers can be made by placing Log(any type of log) into the stonecutter. 

-Ice cubes are made by crafting a ice block

-Purified Water Bottle can only be obtained by using furnace and not smoker nor blast furnace. 

-removed the vanilla fishing loots like ( enchanted book, nautilus shell, etc) and will add something soon to fix that issue. 


-Water Bottles can be refilled when you are in water.. 

-Cows can be milked 4 times with Empty Water Bottle and 2 times with Bucket, and takes time to restore its milk. (take care of your cows!! Mooo) 

-thirst points increases slowly when in water with/without Empty Water Bottle. 

-Every types of Water Bottles has a 6 uses

-Cauldrons can be pretty handy especially when you are inside in nether. 

-When your thirst is below 0 points or no Thirst bar you will have a fatal poison, slowly killing you. 

-When you sprint your thirst bar drops faster than walk. 

-When you drink Water Bottle(plain) you will have a nausea and weakness for a short period of time. Drinking can clear the nausea effect. 


-Fish can be caught by using hands, either by interacting (hold tap or tap Catch when it appears on screen, and Right click for Pc) when you are facing the fish (cod & salmon). 

-Fish drops Fish bones when you kill them instead of catching. 

-When you are using a fishing rod, any near fish will come to the fishing hook, and wait for the bait to go drop. When fishing hook is attached to the fish pull the fishing rod by re-using the fishing rod. (Needs a lot of practices) 

-Baited Fish might flee if you pull the fishing rod not fast enough 

-Not baited fish has some chances on fleeing. 


-Ores(diamond, gold, iron, and emerald) has 5 types of chunks/bits/sizes. 

-Every ores has a chances of dropping from medium to extra large(rarest) chunks depending on what type of ore. Diamond ore has a lower chances of dropping Extra Large Chunk of Diamond. 

Recipe item list:

Empty Water Bottle

– used for gathering water to make a water bottle, and you can also use it while it’s raining to be refilled. 

Purified Water Bottle

-it restores 14 thirst points or almost 3 thirst bars + saturation effect for 60 seconds

Cold Water Bottle

-it restores 23 thirst points or 4 thirst bars + saturation effect for 60 seconds with an amplifier of 1

Bottled Milk

-it restores 15 thirst points or 3 thirst bars + resistance for 300 seconds

Fish bone (cod) = 1 bone meal

– it is dropped when you kill a cod. 

Salmon Bone ( small – medium salmon) = 1 bone meal

– it is dropped when you kill a small-medium salmon. 

Large Salmon (large) = 2 bone meal

– it is dropped when you kill a large salmon. 

Cooked Large Salmon

9 extra small diamond nuggets = 1 small diamond nugget

9 small diamond nuggets = 1 medium diamond

9 medium diamonds = 1 large diamond

9 large diamonds= 1 extra large diamond

1 extra large diamond = 2 diamonds

Alsooo, Thanks to @JeBR Gaming for allowing me to use his thirst UI. Credits of course for his awesome thirst.

As, i am still learning how to add UI in font, i wish someone could teach me. Could be pretty cool as i am willing to learn things. 

P. S the leather texture and shears are from the Java Texture Pack DEFINITIVE PAINTERLY, i am not good, and still learning on pixel arts ( especially on 32×32 above) credits on him/her. Sorry i haven’t ask any permission to the owner, i’ll ask permission sooner later. 

Have funn!! 

P. S thanks dakonblackrose for silently helping me to submit this addon, i don’t have the guts to submit this sooner. 

Here’s a video for better understanding of the mechanics.


Tap on mcaddon to install on your minecraft and wait for the installation to finish. First, try on using this behavior and resource pack, has a chance on not working, make sure to check and use it again, to make it work. 


