Download R1H3D Pack (Beta) - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: R1H3D Pack (Beta)
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1058 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is a texture pack where block could look more 3D, a pack that adds life on blocks for more 3D look. give your game a life and a better experience on the game.

Do you want Minecraft to look 3d?

Here is the right pack for you! introducing R1H3D pack where block turn 3d, this is a 256×256 pack that means it might cause lag on weak devices, this is still a project i enjoyed making beacause of the quarantine. this is a pack for you and everyone. 

This is a beta pack means it is still work in progress. it will continuesly update untill completed. 

This pack is especially made for someone i know but i chose to post it here for people to check this pack made by me. 

if you wanna make a texture pack with some of the textures that belongs here. pls just ask for permission.

Pls warn me on any bug you encounter. – Me

you can use this pack


on a video but you must credit me

you cannot

-repost this

-customize or get things from the files

blocks on this pack


crafting table



all types of stonebricks

all types of stone

all types of cobblestones

diamond ore

gold ore

iron ore

redstone ore

coal ore

some type of glasses


-farmland on grass

-some logs

-some redstone blocks



-more logs




-warped and crimson logs

-ore blocks



-sand blocks

-changed the stone textures

-2 doors

-1 trapdoor

-soulfire lantern

-red sandstone

-3 types of grass


-magma block

-redstone torch



-some planks



-mossy cobblestone

-cracked stonebrick


-all doors           -comparator 

-more logs        -all the walls

-lantern              -soul sand

-soul soil            -reapeater

-comparator      -cactus

-purpur block    -more bricks

-more glass        -some rails

-smooth stone   -slime

-anvil                    -trapdoor

-bookshelf           -glowstone

-barrel                  -leaves 


Texture Changes

– furnace         -nether bricks  -campfire


New Blocks (v1.0.8)

-Honey block       -honeycomb block

-Bee Nest             -bell

-Bee Hive             -respawn anchor(all 4stg)

-weeping vines   -twisted vines

-dark oak door   -dark oak trap door

-packed ice        -bamboo                              -and more! 





-more tools




some netherite tools

-some iron tools 


-more gold tools

-more items


-fishing rod

-totem of undying


-fint and steel

-wooden_sword      -diamond_hoe

-crossbow                -soulfire lantern         


New Items (v1.0.8)

-honeycomb                  -cauldron

-soul lantern                  -soul campfire

-eye of ender                -lantern

-full diamond armor (and when worn too) 

-shield                            -trident

-weath                            -jungle door

-nether star                   -end crystal

-bowl                             -book

-book and quil             -and many more! 


for all of you that downloaded the v1.0.7 are actually 10k plus thank you for downloading this pack! 


for instalation click the first link to download the mcpack 

click it to open and use minecraft as the unzipper

for the zip file use the second link and extract it at 



