Download PvMobs Fast Death [Mini Games] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: PvMobs Fast Death [Mini Games]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1386 - Published at: 4 years ago


Note: Please read the full post before downloading this map! 


This map is definitely hard to make, and it took me around one month to complete. Already fix a few problems on this map, tested, and it’s functional. Please appreciate my hard work for this map, thank you.

(Warning): There might be problem a bit (like bug or glitches) while playing this map. If you had counter those issues, please report them in the comments. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoying the map. 

PvMobs (Player versus Mobs) Fast Death is the most hardest and challenging Mob Arena you will ever play. You probably will die too often when fighting a massive mobs in Mob Arena, so try your best to survive while clearing the waves. It’s up to you if you want to accept this challenge or not. You can take this opportunity to improve your fighting skills! This map is designed perfectly for one player. However, you can also play this map with your friends, the more, the easier, but also more glitches will probably happen. The max players for this map is 4.

Remember: You need to make your way to Mob Arena. 

About the game

There are 4 classes in the game:

  • Warrior 
  • Archer 
  • Alchemist 
  • Tank

*These classes can be upgraded!

Each wave gets more difficult than the previous one. 

There is a reset button in Mob Arena if you want to reset it. 

Remember: Every time you want to push a “BUTTON”, please go very near at it and click it. 


If you want to play this map with barely lag issues, your device must have:

  • At least 4gb ram (unless your phone have better performance) 
  • Enough space storage

If you are playing alone or you don’t want to die faster, set difficulty to “Easy” 

If you want to play super duper hard, set difficulty to “Hard” 

Remember: You need a Parkour skills to get into the Shop! 


  • Don’t try to cheat
  • No breaking the blocks
  • Never set it to peaceful
  • Don’t try to go out of the zone
  • Don’t use commands 
  • Do not give any items to another player


If you still experience any lag, I recommended you:

  • Reduce the game graphics, this can be done by lower the render distance, disable fancy graphics, render clouds and beautiful skies, at Minecraft settings.
  • Clear the cache and force stop Minecraft app at your device settings, after that open the Minecraft app, reopen the map, then wait for a few seconds. 

Please read and pay attention to every instructions in the game to avoid misunderstand. 




If you make a Youtube video please credit me and put the link to this page so more players can download this too.

Please inform me in the comment section as soon as possible if you found this map has too many problems, thank you. 


