Download Progression Craft - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Progression Craft
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1620 - Published at: 4 years ago


Have you played through Minecraft multiple times and thought the challenge of going from wood to diamond is too linear? With this add-on, heavily inspired by Sevtech on Java, many recipes and loot tables are changed making it a challenge to actually upgrade to the next mineral. This pack incorporates many of the new features as only recently, they have updated the progression system. The goal is to get to the end and defeat the dragon. Try to work together with your friends (because they’ll definitly steal your stuff.) (MADE BEFORE CUSTOM ARMOR/TOOL BETA)I’m hoping to make a more in-depth version of this mod. WORKS IN 1.16.40 

First Add-On

So prone to error


  • You can modify code with permission as I feel there aren’t many major modpacks on Bedrock.
  • Do not copy/or modify the link.
  • If you’re a making a video please link my Youtube as I spent many hours on this.
  • No reposting else where without permission. 
  • Lastly have fun. (You don’t have too)

“Wood Age”

Since I felt that the beginning of the game is too easy, as I have played through many early game of Java Modpacks, I have made making planks a challenge! 

(This is for all planks except any nether types because the time your there you’ll get a break from this)

Wooden Pickaxe Recipe is normal as it is hard-coded into the game along with the crafting table and some odd redstone blocks.

“Stone Age”

The furnace is probably your first real challenge. Usually getting a furnace is very simple, but now you need multiple resources that are available within your reach. 

Once you have a furnace your going to need a lot of materials to make a stone pickaxe. 


“Iron Age”

Main goal of this stage is to go to the nether and to get a blast furnace. IRON INGOTS COME FROM THE BLAST FURNACE!!!

Iron Pickaxe:

And a lot more BUT


If you don’t find a stronghold with a stack of enderpearls then yeah. Also Ender Dragon has slightly more health. 


You can modify code with permission as I feel there aren’t many major modpacks on Bedrock.

Do not copy/or modify the link.
If you’re a making a video please link my Youtube as I spent many hours on this.
No reposting else where without permission.

Lastly have fun. (You don’t have too)

Please Comment Suggestions and Feedback. Open to criticism.


Install Both the Resource and Behavior Pack for it to work.

This should be a finished pack, but will fix bugs! 


