- This disables the profanity filter as it should be a choice and not forced.
This is not intended for children
Now you’ve been warned, don’t blame me.
- A big youtuber known as SalC1 gave his opinion on it, it’s a forced feature and that isn’t any fun, I agree and I noticed it can be toggled, so that’s that.
The UI changes are caused by a seperate behavior pack, this ONLY affects chat filters.
Hey yeah I know, the Profanity filter well should be a choice, obviously, this makes that possible.
1.2+ Seeds 1.3+ Seeds 0.10.0+ Seeds 1.9+ Seeds 0.14.0+ Seeds 0.8.1 Seeds .MCPack 0.10.1 Seeds 0.15.7 Seeds 0.15.0+ Seeds