Wanting to start a new survival world but you don`t want to waste time to build a house? Well, this map contains many items to help you survive! It can also be used as a multiplayer game, as there are four beds. (in pairs of two)
** You can change some things about the build, but don;t publish it as your own. **
- multiplayer (up to 4 players)
- has a deck to observe (to find watch towers, mobs, ect…)
- surrounded by a cobblestone wall
- has two seperate rooms (with bathrooms as decorations!)
- contains a farm behind the house (cows, pigs, and sheep)
- has crops placed on top of the roof.
- has a nether portal in a small dark oak shack behind the house
- ‘nether shack’ contains two long chests to store things you found in the nether
- has two pairs of diamond and iron armor
- has a storage space, echantment space, and furnaces with the tables and anvils
- enchantment space containts two ender chests
- storage space has some little suprises ready in them to help you get started
- spawn near a big cave, a village, and an ocean
current issues:
- some monsters might spawn inside the base at times, looking into it
First Floor
(armor, furnaces, tables, anvils, staircaise to second floor)
Second Floor
(storage, enchantment space, bedrooms, deck, bathrooms, staircases to crops)
(wheat, carrots, sugar canes, potatoes, two infinite water sources)
(farm, nether shack, cave, village, ocean)
0.15.6 Seeds Android Mod 0.17.0+ Seeds 0.15.2 Seeds 0.12.3 Seeds 1.10+ Seeds 0.15.0+ Seeds Adventure Maps 0.11.0+ Seeds 0.15.7 Seeds