Download Portal Gun Addon/Command (Redstone) Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Portal Gun Addon/Command (Redstone) Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1333 - Published at: 5 years ago


We may have seen our fair share of attempted portal guns over the years for our beloved Bedrock edition of Minecraft. However, two negative circumstances have consumed all of them: High lag, or mod. However, I have found a way to create a new and improved lag free portal gun using a combination of an addon, and command blocks.

Creator: EyeLoseSleep_GamingPatreonYouTube Channel

How it Works:

  1. First you must take the portal gun, and blue and orange portal buttons (replacing lapis and orange dye) into your inventory.
  2. Upon first use, no portal will spawn. But after you put either button into your hand, the portal gun will fire the color of portal corresponding to the dye you held.
  3. Warning, the portals will not work if there is more than one of each in the world, so make sure DOMOBSPAWN is set to false/off.

At Present the portals replace the sheep and the pig. However, when the ability to add mobs comes to Minecraft bedrock edition I will repost this portal gun with portals that do not replace mobs in the world.

Warning: The portal gun will not work without both the command blocks and the addon.

Download Options:

Below you will see a walk through video explaining how to set up the command blocks and how to use the addon with them. (download the addon and use it in your world)


You can just download the .mctemplate map below which will feature both the command blocks and the addon preinstalled for you to use whenever you feel like it.


Creator’s Note

  • Enjoy!!! Create test chambers to your heart’s content. Be sure to post them to and I will play them on my YouTube channel.
  • Also, if your test chamber is good enough, I may use it on my up and coming Portal adventure map. (If you don’t want your test chamber to be used, make you specifically say so.)
  • Anyone who wishes may review or use this on their YouTube channel.

Video Showcase


