Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1049 - Published at: 5 years ago
This is a texture pack that replaces the spider model, texture, sounds and text to be pigs! Made for those who don’t like Spiders in their games, but still want the full Minecraft experience.
This is a resource pack for those who don’t like spiders. It replaces all spider related things in the game, with pigs! Perfect for players with arachnophobia, who don’t like spiders, or just think that blue pigs would be funny.
Put simply, this resource pack completely replaces spiders with pigs.
All spider related names and appearances are replaced with pigs. Including text (currently only English), sounds, models, that one painting, ect.
- “Spider” renamed to “BigPig”
- “Cave Spider” renamed to “Micropig”
- “Spider Eye” renamed to “Pig Eye”
- “Fermented Spider Eye” renamed to “Fermented Pig Eye”
- Replaced Spider and Cave Spider model and animation with blue Pig model and animation
- Replaced Spider sounds (including Parrots mimicking Spiders) with Pig sounds
- Replaced Spider painting with Pig painting
- Changed splash text that refers to Spiders to refer to Pigs
Pack by MrPiedPiper and RaVen
To ensure that this resource pack is always active, make sure it's on the top of your active resource packs in the Global Resource Packs menu.