Download Pewdiepie Beds V1 - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Pewdiepie Beds V1
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1157 - Published at: 4 years ago


Are you a Fan of Pewdiepie and are you a Floor Gang?

Say no more! This Pack gives you Wonderful Beds! Like His pets he lost and his favorite pet SVEN! If you are a ceiling gang, please go away now. Just kidding :>. This bed is detailed and made perfectly for you! so what are you waiting for?!!?! Download the Pack Now and HAVE FUN! If you want to download the pack just follow the instructions below.

I wish pewds see this pack and download it :>

This pack is made for floor gang! just kidding :>

Bored while quarantine right? Download this pack now and HAVE FUN! This pack is made for YOU! If you want to download the pack just follow the instructions below! 9 YEAR OLD ARMIES :> this pack has many pics of his pets who passed away and his favorite pet SVEN! FLOORRR GANGGG! 


Pewdiepie Bed (Black Bed)

Pewdiepie Bed (Red Bed)

Chicken Sheep Bed (Light Gray Bed)

Water Sheep Bed (Gray Bed)

Virgin Turtle Bed (Green Bed)

Joergen Bed (Light Blue Bed)

IKEA Bird Bed (Blue Bed)

Pee Pee Poo Poo Bed (Pink Bed)

Marzia Bed (Magenta Bed)

Sven Bed (White Bed)

Boat Cow (Brown Bed)

IKEA Bed (Yellow Bed)

Rolf Bed (Lime Bed)

Brofist Bed (Cyan Bed)

Pewdiepie Bed (Orange Bed)

Pewdiepie Bed (Purple Bed)

  • How to Download?

Just Click the link below then skip the ads and deny the notifications and wait 15-25 seconds and you will be redirected to the download link. If the first link didn’t work try the second link!


  • How to Import?

After you download the pack in the link just open the pack you downloaded and it will automatically import to minecraft!

If the first link didn't work try the second link.


