Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2244 - Published at: 5 years ago
The Pac Man has returned! Now Enjoy it in minecraft is one of the most famous classics of all time and a worldwide phenomenon in the video game industry.
There will also be my enemies that are the 4 ghosts.
Creators: Fernan Addons and Team Infinite Minds
Twitter: @8Fernancraft
Twitter:: @TInfiniteMinds
This addon adds to pacman and the 4 ghosts: red, blue, orange pink
The objective of the character is to eat all the balls on the screen, at which point the next screen level is passed. However, four ghosts or monsters, go through the maze to try to capture and destroy Pac-Man
pacman has its own animations when opening and closing its mouth
this addon does not replace any entity
in this addon you can now play with pacman and make your adventure maps with the addon
The ghosts are not the same, so while Blinky is very fast, and has the ability to find Pac-Man on stage, Inky is very slow and often does not find Pac-Man.
Ghosts try to attack Pacman. But Pacman tries to escape them and pacman loves eating eat balls
pacman health: 53
health ghosts: 54
Ghost Red:he will chase pacman and attack him
Ghost Pink:he will chase pacman and attack him
Ghost Orange:he will not chase pacman only attacks him if he is close
Ghost Blue:he will try not to persecute pacman will only pursue him if pacman is near the
the ghosts are peaceful with the player but are hostile with pacman