Download Outdoor Escape Add-on ( - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Outdoor Escape Add-on (
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1072 - Published at: 5 years ago


This add-on adds tents, campfires, fireflies, and more. A direct inspiration from the anime show Yuru Camp. Featuring a new cooking system into the game thanks to the bonfire.

Creator: CodanRaigen21Twitter Account


6 variants, long press with the following wool colors to change their colors and use a tripwire hook to zip them up and vice versa.

  • Blue
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Silver

Log Bench

Log bench – These are horizontally placed logs which can be used for sitting down. There are 2 seats for each player, it has 6 variants for all log types. You can change their textures wtih the following items:

  • Oak log
  • Spruce log
  • Birch log
  • Jungle log
  • Acacia log
  • Dark oak log

Sleeping Bags

You can basically sit on them while being decorative. It also has 6 variants, same colors as the tent. color them with the following wool

  • Blue
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Silver


To add the fire, light up the block with fire before spawning it on top. Build the campfire using sticks, it has 8 levels. You can cook raw porkchops and beef after you build the last 3 sticks or the final level. This is where the fun part begins, long-press with either raw beef or porkchop to watch your item cook. You have 4 stages:

This event goes randomly between 5-10 seconds so be alert.

Raw> Mid-raw> Cooked> Burnt

You can use a stick to take your items.

Bonfire Video Tutorial:

  • Mid-raw beef and porkchops: inedible items added for the bonfire minigame
  • Burnt beef and porkchops: inedible items added for the bonfire minigame


Although being decorative on its own, it’s also a skin for the torch. Place the torch first then spawn the lamp. Note that this only works on the ground and cannot hang like how a torch would.


These won’t naturally spawn, they’re peaceful and only for decorative purposes.


Note: Aesthetical PE was used for the photos to add effects. That resource pack is downloaded separately. (I’m the creator too)

  1. Download Resources & Behaviors .McAddon
  2. Apply the packs for a world
  3. Create the world

