Download OreChickens Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: OreChickens Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1279 - Published at: 4 years ago


Today the TwitchTube Creators Team brings you a new addon created by BrunoBeer, this one adds Ore Chickens. These 15 new Chickens will make your gaming experience more fun and special. 

Each chicken drops different minerals, according to their appearance you’ll realize what it gives you. 12 of 15 chickens can be found on the OverWorld’s surface and the other 2 spawns in the Nether, the Quartz and Netherite one.

Their health is superior to the normal chickens and they can’t be reproduced.

The 14 new Chickens are:

The 14 new Chickens are:

-Coal Chicken (Drops between 1 and 4 of Coal)

-Iron Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 of Iron)

-Gold Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 of Gold)

-Redstone Chicken (Drops between 2 and 5 of Redstone)

-Lapis Lazuli Chicken (Drops between 2 and 4 of Lapis)

-Diamond Chicken (Drops between 1 and 2 Diamonds)

-Emerald Chicken (Drops between 1 and 2 Emeralds)

-Quartz Chicken (Drops between 1 and 6 of Quartz and spawns in the Nether)

-Netherite Chicken (Drops between 0 and 1 of Netherite Scrap and spawns in the Nether)

-XP Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 experience bottles)

-LGBT Chicken (Drops random minerals) 

¡Chickens added on last update!:

-Ender Chicken (Drops between 1 and 3 Ender Pearls)

-Cactus Chicken (Drops between 1 and 5 Cactus)

-Grass Chicken (Drops between 1 and 5 of Grass Blocks)
-Bread Chiken (Drops between 1 and 3 bread

By: BrunoBeer

Help: MarcoGamer


Twitter: @TwitchTube_SC

Team and Community

Team TwitchTube Creators

We are looking for new testers for our Add-ons, Enter our discord to become one. uwu


