Download Omega SkyBlock! - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Omega SkyBlock!
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 884 - Published at: 5 years ago


This is a skyblock map that has a giant buy shop and money to spend! İt has some mods for you to use! Like tree capitator and more nuggets (Thx to creators of mods) This is the perfect map for you to get nearly all the items and blocka in skyblock!

There are  elytras totems lava water everything you can buy to make your own skybase!

It has money and pennys you can change 100 penny to a dollar and a dollar to 100 penny.

This map allows everone to play without cheating in a skyblock and gathering all the items they need like sky factory!

This is a skyblock map for people who wants to get nearly all the items in skyblock! Also you can get money by selling

This is the beta so you can only sell logs for 5 penny you can change 100 penny to a dollar and spend it on goodies like diamonds/iron/beacon even an elytra!

I will update this map in the future and make the sell shop and mob shop! Also make reviews i can look at them to add some new things to the map!

This map is multiplayer sported and can be played with friends there are some treasure at islands for you to find! Next update there will be more sellable items and mob shop! This map will make your skybase dream at skyblock in Bedrock Edition come true!

This map is like skyfactory because you start with nothşng and need to gather things with just logs! This is with market! You have to gether tons, tons and tons of logs to generate enough money to buy you first valıable stuff like diamonds!

For people who likes quests here is a list for you!

  • gather 64 logs
  • make enough money to get 5 dollars
  • make a cobblestone generator
  • make another island
  • create a mob farm
  • get 3 iron and make a pick
  • build a 12×12 platform to make a base
  • blew up a tnt
  • make an enchanting room
  • go to the nether
  • kill a drowned with a trident
  • die in lava
  • gather 128 dollars
  • play with 5 friends
  • summon and kill a wither
  • make a fully upgraded beacon
  • buy an elytra
  • give 5 stars and make review!

If You Make a video on this map plz post it to reviews by link i will add your name to credits in youtube section.

whats new? Added more islands, and spawn eggs!


To install just click the link! Also this map cant be copied and let me know if you do! And thx to the creators of mods that i used!

If You Make a video on this map plz post it to reviews by link i will add your name to credits in youtube section!

The map is claimed by me!

Made by RebornTrack970

Hi, i just wanter to say plz support Star vs the forces of evil season 5, its my sisters favorite animation tell them to make a season 5!

Hi its me ömerD


