Category:Minecraft PE Servers
Viewed: 1096 - Published at: 4 years ago
Server IP | Connect |
Version | v0.0.0 |
Status | Online |
Players | 0/1 |
Server Protocol | Other |
Oh hey! You are on MCPEDL, trying to find vanilla survival server? Well, this one might be the one for you, although our server is not 24/7 we have highly active admins that can turn the server at a moments notice. the
Before you read description you need to know, that this server is whitelisted only so joining our discord server is a must.
As it was written in brief introduction, you need to join discord server and is required to do a small and easy application. If you have any problems feel free to ask any of our active admins that will guide you through.
Once you have been whitelisted you can now play on the minecraft server. We have spawn protection implemented in spawn, but only for 70 blocks.
When you enter nether there are a 2 (basically 3 if you count spawn portal) portals, one of them takes you to the shopping district, this is where you can pay small fee to build your shop and trade. More info about it in discord server. The second portal takes you to the soon destroyed xp farm.
We also have some rules, there are super obvious, but still…
- No hacking / duping
- No stealing / griefing
- Be respectful
- Don’t be racist
- No PVP unless agreed with both sides.
- Don’t build less than 500 blocks from spawn or shopping district. To build a big base or resources be atlest 2000-4000 blocks from spawn and shopping district.
- Don’t advertise anything without admins’ consent (we have specific channel for that).
There are other rules only related to discord server. You can also just talk in general chat if you don’t have Minecraft Bedrock or don’t wanna play the server.
Everyone from all ages are welcome to play! HAVE FUN MATES!
– From admins of Omar Kingdom, text written by CELLIXID
Server Name: Server
Map: somnus