Download Ocean Ruins on Land Near Spawn (Seed) - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: Ocean Ruins on Land Near Spawn (Seed)
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1055 - Published at: 5 years ago


This Seed has quite to offer actually. You will spawn on an island with no resources at all, so make sure to enable bonus chest toggle if you want to generate this world in survival. Ocean Ruins will generate quite a few blocks away from spawn.

In this seed you will find Ocean Ruins located on these coordinates: 202, 68, -127

By using this image, you can get an idea how to locate these Ocean Ruins.


3 Ocean Ruins will generate on 2 islands.

One of these ruins has a chest located inside of it.


Another Ocean Ruin can be found underwater by simply looking for a bubble column.

Seed ID


