Download No Pumpkin Blur - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: No Pumpkin Blur
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1670 - Published at: 4 years ago


You want to go to The End, and use a pumpkin so that the Endermans won’t attack you, but you’re tired that you can’t even see anything?

With this resource pack, Pumpkin Blur doesn’t even exist! This works for Minecraft 1.16+

Useful for fighting the Ender dragon.

This is me Without the Texture pack, as you can see the pumpkin blur, it’s annoying and I can barely even see anything.

Now this is me With the Texture Pack, as you can see I’m wearing a pumpkin and there’s no pumpkin blur, you can clearly see that im wearing a pumpkin by looking at the paper doll thing at the top left


And this is what the pack looks like

If images isn’t enough proof for you, you can also watch my video on youtube to see that im wearing a pumpkin blur, and how endermans won’t attack youworks for Minecraft 1.16 or more, if you want to make a video about this pack, please give credits to me

Example :

Texture Pack : NoPumpkinBlur by Dylzvn

Download :

(the download link should lead to this MCPEDL post, and not a direct link

This texture pack will be useful for fighting the Ender dragon


How to Download?

1. Click on the Link to Download the pack,

2. After you download it, follow these step

3. If it's a .zip file, rename the file from "" into "NoPumpkinBlur.mcpack" after renamed it,

4. Extract the file into "games" "com.mojang" "development_resource_packs" Extract

5. Open Minecraft and it should be at your Global Resources


