Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2774 - Published at: 5 years ago
Here I bring after a long time a new plugin that deals with new functional tools, not in the same way as the tools that are already in the game but try to simulate as much as possible to bring you tools that are usable with the knowledge I have to create addons, I repeat all the tools work but not the same.
With the following commands we can add the tools to your inventory, either one by one or add all at once.
With this command you can add one tool at a time, you just have to put / give @ new: after the colon you put the name of the weapon that you want to be added, for example obsidian_sword.
With this command you can add a family the tools of the addon at the same time, that is to say if you want to add all the axes because you put /function NewAxes and all the axes of the addon will be added to you.
Prismarine Ore
his mineral is generated naturally in the world it can be found in from height 55 and the maximum depth where you can find this ore is 5.
-Sword/Knife ( Espadas/Chuchillo )
Flint Knife
Damage: 3,5
Durability: 54 Hits
If there is grass on your way and you have this tool in your hand, it is simple to pass over the grass will be cut.
Prismarine Sword
Damage: 6
Durability: 612 Hits
Quartz Sword
Damage: 7
Durability: 858 Hits
Emerald Sword
Damage: 8
Durability: 1057 Hits
Obsidian Sword
Damage: 10
Durability: 1231 Hits
-Axe ( Hacha )
Flint Axe
The Flint Axe Delivers You the Haste Effect 2
Damage: 2,5
Durability: 54 Hits
Prismarine Axe
The Prismarine Axe Delivers You the Haste Effect 3
Damage: 5
Durability: 612 Hits
Quartz Axe
The Quartz Axe Delivers You the Haste Effect 4
Damage: 6
Durability: 858 Hits
Emerald Axe
The Emerald Axe Delivers You the Haste Effect 5
Damage: 7
Durability: 1057 Hits
Obsidian Axe
The Obsidian Axe Delivers You the Haste Effect 6
Damage: 8
Durability: 1231 Hits
-Pickaxe ( Pico )
All the pickaxes added by this addon offer you the effect of haste 4
Flint Pickaxe
Durability: 54 Hits
Break blocks:
-Coal Ore (Carbon)
-Lapis Ore (Lapis Lazuli)
Prismarine Pickaxe
Durability: 612 Hits
Break blocks:
-Coal Ore (Carbon)
-Lapis Ore (Lapis Lazuli)
-Iron Ore (Hierro)
-Quartz Ore ( Cuarzo)
Quartz Pickaxe
Durability: 858 Hits
Break blocks:
-Coal Ore ( Carbon )
-Lapis Ore ( Lapis Lazuli )
-Iron Ore ( Hierro )
-Quartz Ore ( Cuarzo )
-Emerald Ore ( Esmeralda )
-Redstone Ore
Emerald Pickaxe
Durability: 1057 Hits
Break blocks:
-Coal Ore ( Carbon )
-Lapis Ore ( Lapis Lazuli )
-Iron Ore ( Hierro )
-Quartz Ore ( Cuarzo )
-Emerald Ore ( Esmeralda )
-Redstone Ore
-Gold Ore ( Oro )
Obsidian Pickaxe
Durability: 1231 Hits
Break blocks:
-Coal Ore ( Carbon )
-Lapis Ore ( Lapis Lazuli )
-Iron Ore ( Hierro )
-Quartz Ore ( Cuarzo )
-Emerald Ore ( Esmeralda )
-Redstone Ore
-Gold Ore ( Oro )
-Diamond Ore ( Diamante )
-Hoe ( Azada )
Flint Hoe
To make this tool work, you have to be one block below, that is, if there is a plain, if you dig a block down and put this tool in your hand, the land around you can be used to cultivate.
Para hacer que esta herramienta funciona tienes que estar un bloque por debajo es decir que a si hay planicie si cabas un bloque hacia abajo y pones esta herramienta en tu mano la tierra a tu alrededor ya podra ser utilizada para cultivar.
Prismarine Hoe
To make this tool work, you have to be one block below, that is, if there is a plain, if you dig a block down and put this tool in your hand, the land around you can be used to cultivate.
Para hacer que esta herramienta funciona tienes que estar un bloque por debajo es decir que a si hay planicie si cabas un bloque hacia abajo y pones esta herramienta en tu mano la tierra a tu alrededor ya podra ser utilizada para cultivar.
Quartz Hoe
To make this tool work, you have to be one block below, that is, if there is a plain, if you dig a block down and put this tool in your hand, the land around you can be used to cultivate.
Para hacer que esta herramienta funciona tienes que estar un bloque por debajo es decir que a si hay planicie si cabas un bloque hacia abajo y pones esta herramienta en tu mano la tierra a tu alrededor ya podra ser utilizada para cultivar.
Emerald Hoe
To make this tool work, you have to be one block below, that is, if there is a plain, if you dig a block down and put this tool in your hand, the land around you can be used to cultivate.
Para hacer que esta herramienta funciona tienes que estar un bloque por debajo es decir que a si hay planicie si cabas un bloque hacia abajo y pones esta herramienta en tu mano la tierra a tu alrededor ya podra ser utilizada para cultivar.
Obsidian Hoe
To make this tool work, you have to be one block below, that is, if there is a plain, if you dig a block down and put this tool in your hand, the land around you can be used to cultivate.
Para hacer que esta herramienta funciona tienes que estar un bloque por debajo es decir que a si hay planicie si cabas un bloque hacia abajo y pones esta herramienta en tu mano la tierra a tu alrededor ya podra ser utilizada para cultivar.
-Shovel ( Pala )
Flint Shovel
The Flint Shovel Delivers You the Haste Effect 2
Durability: 54 Hits
Prismarine Shovel
The Prismarine Shovel Delivers You the Haste Effect 3
Durability: 612 Hits
Quartz Shovel
The Quartz Shovel Delivers You the Haste Effect 4
Durability: 858 Hits
Emerald Shovel
The Emerald Shovel Delivers You the Haste Effect 5
Durability: 1057 Hits
Obsidian Shovel
The Obsidian Shovel Delivers You the Haste Effect 6
Durability: 1231 Hits
Video de Explicacion
I developed this plugin just because I had the idea of being able to make the tools usable, remember that they are only usable since there are still codes missing so that all these tools work like the ones already in the game, I am just a person who learned to create addons and had an idea, thanks for downloading this addon.