Download Netherrack - Items
MC: Netherrack
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 884 - Published at: 5 years ago


Netherrack (formerly known as Netherstone), is a block that is the most abundant non-air block in The Nether. It has a texture similar to cobblestone, but pale red. When lit on fire, it burns indefinitely. Netherrack is rather fragile and can be mined extremely quickly, even using a wooden pickaxe. It can also be broken relatively easily by hand; however, using your hand or a tool other than a pickaxe will drop no material, since it is classified as Rock I. Netherrack has an extremely low resistance to TNT and can be destroyed by a Ghast's fireballs. Once Netherrack is lit on fire using Flint and Steel, a Ghast's fireball, or a Fire Charge, it will continue to burn until it is put out, usually by the player. This property of Netherrack makes it a source of persistent light when lit on fire, thus making them popular components of fireplaces. (And also make it very dangerous, as you may run into it). This also allows the creation of Netherrack traps, such as firewalls. Fire from the burning Netherrack will spread to nearby flammable blocks such as Leaves. However, netherrack will not get set alight from nearby fire. Burning netherrack can be put out by water (except in the Nether itself), mining the block, putting another block on top of it, or clicking its top surface (with any tool or none, but a pickaxe is likely to mine the block).

