Download Most Secured Bunker - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Most Secured Bunker
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1229 - Published at: 5 years ago


This map is one of the most Secured Bunker in Minecraft. This bunker has a multiple combination lock doors and traps so you can expect that players or mob can’t get in that easily.

This map has 3 room contains bedroom, armory, and library with theater

One of the combination lock door is a Lazer door with a poison traps.

This kitchen has a automatic smelting system and a fridge that dispensed selected items.

This Armory has a walk in wardrobe, displays and a working conveyor belt armor swapper.


For Zip File:

After downloading the file extract the folder then copy the extracted folder to phone(name of device)/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds Then hit paste and that's It! Launched the game and enjoy the Map.

For McWorld File:

After downloading the file click it and it will automatically install it on your Minecraft app have fun and enjoy the map.


