Download More Zombies Add-on - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Zombies Add-on
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1810 - Published at: 5 years ago


Do you think there should be more zombies in the game? Because this add-on does this, it adds twelve zombies in the game, but they are zombies with behaviors other than normal zombies.

Of the twelve zombies two are neutral, they will only attack to defend themselves, they are:

  • Zomboy
  • Zombie Lady

The other will attack the player as follows:

  • Zombie Archer:
  • Uses a bow and attacks the player at a distance
  • Zombie Teleport:
  • Attacks with poison and can teleport
  • Zombie Evocator:
  • Attacks with blindness, can tame wolves and make them red and angry and invokes small zombies and zombies teleport.
  • Baby only uses melee attack with effects
  • Invisible Zombie:
  • It becomes invisible at the moment of battle, returns to normal after winning the battle or after a while if it is not killed
  • Explosive zombie:
  • Transform nearby Creepers in the charged state
  • Two types of attack, can explode or use melee attack, when approaching the player he will decide
  • Crescent Zombie
  • When he gets close enough to the target he gets twice as big, back to normal after eliminating the target in some cases
  • Colorful Zombie
  • Afterseeing a target begin to change color, each color will give the target a different attack effect.
  • Returns to normal if target is killed or able to escape
  • Zombie Boss
  • 300 HP
  • HP Bar
  • Attack from a distance by throwing head of zombie boss, and summon baby zombie with bow and baby zombie with blind attack
  • Appears when a hostile zombie from the add-on is struck with lightning
  • Fire zombie
  • When he finds a victim he leaves a trail of fire
  • Body attack using poison
  • Zombie Warlock
  • Attacks with portions like a witch

In addition to adding new zombies, this addon makes the Zombie Horse naturally spawn around the world at night.

  • Images:

Boss vídeo:


  • Hostile zombies:
  • Spawn in the night
  • Neutral zombies (lady & zomboy): 
  • Spawn on the day
  • Boss: When lightning strikes a hostile zombie from the add-on, Boss appears instead.

You can also spawn them using eggspawns in creative mode…

See my others others add-on here!



