Download More Particles Add-on v2 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Particles Add-on v2
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1176 - Published at: 5 years ago


This Add-On allow to create more particles in your world using /particle . Add-On have some particles if you need help use /particle help ~ ~1 ~ this will spawn a info with all particles . Have Fun


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Whats new:

more spiral colors, happy , angry villager , witchmagic , accept , decline , lava particle , ender[idea by oxilac] , note , colors , enchant drip normal , new help gui


Particles List:

spiral-[color]-[type] , totem-normal , totem-drip , blood , water , fire , bow , sword , smoke , hearth , help , villager-happy , villager-angry , witchmagic , accept , decline , lava_particle , ender[idea by oxilac] , note , color-[color2] , enchant-drip , enchant-normal


Make cool effects using a commands and this addon this addon are only texture if you need help

Use /particle help ~ ~1 ~

If you have any idea write in a comment then i will add to addon c:


Download file [mcpack] then open it using mincraft


