Download More Particles (1.16+) - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: More Particles (1.16+)
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 955 - Published at: 4 years ago


Ever got bored of the plain old particles in game by Minecraft? Or were you curious about custom unique particles. Whatever it is this add-on is the perfect thing for you then! This add-on adds over 32 particles to the game.


This is a add-on that adds up to 32+ particles. Some of the particles were from the previous update where they added back particles! For example you may remember that iconic pickaxe sphere particle. Well, guess what this pack brings that and many other particles back! Not only that this pack adds its own custom particle for you to use!

These are SOME of the particles that are in the pack.

You may be wondering what other particles are there? And where can I find the list. Well, you can find the list in the pack itself in the file readme.txt OR in here.

Particle List

/particle beziercurve ~~~

/particle bounce ~~~

/particle catmullromcurve ~~~

/particle colorcurve ~~~

/particle colorcurve2 ~~~

/particle combocurve ~~~

/particle sphere ~~~

/particle expireoncontact ~~~

/particle flipbook ~~~

/particle highrestitution ~~~

/particle linearcurve ~~~

/particle eventsystem ~~~

/particle smokepuff ~~~

/particle spiral ~~~

/particle vertexrandom ~~~

/particle watertest ~~~

/particle fire ~~~

/particle fireworkspop ~~~

/particle fireworksrocket ~~~

/particle fireworkstrail ~~~

/particle fireworkstwinkles ~~~

/particle loading ~~~

/particle magic ~~~

/particle rain ~~~

/particle rainbow ~~~

/particle rainbowhalo ~~~

/particle rainbowsphere ~~~

/particle rainbowswirl ~~~

/particle sidecraft ~~~

/particle sidecraft2 ~~~

/particle snow ~~~

/particle trail ~~~

/particle rainbow_head_halo ~~~

/particle colornado ~~~

/particle usaflag ~~~

For example you can put in a command block(Repeat, Always Active, 20 tick delay): /execute ~~~ particle rainbowswirl

This will display a beautiful particle on the player!

You may use this pack, but please make sure to give proper credits!

Xbox Live: ColoringEmy86

Youtube: ColoringEmy86

Discord: notbeer#9999



Finish the simple steps from the website to download the add-on. It takes less than 30 seconds. Thank you!


