Download More Mobs Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Mobs Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1095 - Published at: 4 years ago


So have you beat Minecraft, you think it’s kinda boring and you want more mobs to fight, well I’ve done just that since I’ve beat Minecraft so much so I made more mobs with custom animation and other things!

        Note:If you are going to make a video make sure to at least credit me and use the proper link on mcpedl plus make sure to have expiramental gameplay on or else it won’t work!

Note:Please tell me some ideas of new mobs to add

So have you beat Minecraft, you think it’s kinda boring and you want more mobs to fight, well I’ve done just that since I’ve beat Minecraft so much so I made more mobs with custom animation and other things!

Now there is passive mobs and some hostile mobs so let’s get through all them starting with the passive mobs.

The first passive mob on the list is the bird, the bird is blue and you can find it flying high.

Next is the fairy and it will be flying around everywhere but it can get annoying.

Next is the bosses but I will only show the weakest and passive one and save the dangerous one for you to find out. The passive one is the emerald Slime but it still is hard to kill because it teleports and fly’s and everything!

Next is the hostile mobs and we are going to start with the grizzly bear and he will attack any player and mob and does a whopping 4 hearts!

Next up is a undead mob and it is the headless thief and as it says he is a headless thief.

The rest of the mobs I will leave for you to discover.

Here is my channel:Xrazy Gamez


Make sure to have expiramental gameplay on or else it won't work.


