Download More Gold Bedrock Add-on - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Gold Bedrock Add-on
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1068 - Published at: 4 years ago


Ever thought that Minecraft needed more golden food? Then this is your pack! This pack adds more than 5+ honey Foods. use to replenish those health and hunger points and have some good buffs. There is also a Java Edition Version.

More Gold Pack

By: Sir_Craftypants (ported to bedrock by legopitstop)

Ever thought that Minecraft needed more golden food? Then this is your pack! This pack adds more than 5+ honey Foods. use to replenish those health and hunger points and have some good buffs.  There is also a Java Edition Version.  Use a regular crafting table to craft the golden food or use the gold trader. this pack also changes the textures of the chest and makes the gold armor look cooler for the new Nether Update.

Original by Sir_Craftypants of the java edition

(Tree not added yet)

(Trees and chest are a WIP)


1. Click one of the links to download

2.Once you have downloaded click the .addon file. 

3. It should automatically open Minecraft and install 

4. Make sure to have an experimental game on.


