Look more in the sky of minecraft than just seeing the moon and stars, with this texture pack you can see planets, galaxies, and more! only at night and sunset!
this only modifies the moon and the sun not the stars!
Here you can see all the available planets, sun and galaxies
(NOTE: ONLY ONE APPEARS PER NIGHT, it goes per cycle)
The planets and galaxies that appear are from:
* Blood Moon
*Andromeda Galaxy
* Yellow Moon
*Black Hole 1
*Black Hole 2
*Star Wars galaxy moon
* Blue Moon
* Super Mario Galaxy planet
Go to the Link
Download with MEDIAFIRE
and open with MINECRAFT
0.13.2 Seeds 1.3+ Seeds 0.17.0+ Seeds 0.15.8 Seeds Adventure Maps 1.0.7 Seeds 1.1.0+ Seeds 0.11.0+ Seeds iOS Texture Pack 32x32