Download More Baby Mobs Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: More Baby Mobs Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1510 - Published at: 4 years ago


This mod adds the possibiliy to find 17 different baby mobs. Some of the new baby mobs inclue a baby creeper and a baby skeleton. You can either find them spawning in your worlds or use spawn eggs to find them.

Creator: User removed
Updated: 31 October, 2016

How to find the baby mobs?

There is a 35% chance that a baby mob spawns. You can use spawn eggs to spawn them or find them in the natural world.

If you find a baby mob and want it to grow and become an adult then you can feed them one of the following items.

  • Blaze (grow up: Blaze Rod)
  • Cave Spider (grow up: Spider Eye)
  • Creeper (grow up: Gun Powder)
  • Enderman (grow up: Glowstone Dust)
  • Guardian (grow up: Prismarine Shard)
  • Guardian Elder (grow up: Prismarine Crystals)
  • Skeleton (grow up: Bone)
  • Spider (grow up: Spider Eye)
  • Stray (grow up: Bone)
  • Wither Skeleton (grow up: Coal)
  • Wither Boss (grow up: Coal)
  • Ghast (grow up: Ghast Tear)
  • Iron Golem (grow up: Iron Ingot)
  • Silver Fish (grow up: Clay)
  • Snow Golem (grow up: Snowball)
  • Witch (grow up: Sugar)

For example, to make a baby grow up to become an adult you can feed the baby its mob item which can be found in the list above.



  1. Download behavior .mcpack
  2. Add behavior pack for a world in-game

Do you want a .ZIP file instead? Click here.


