Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1621 - Published at: 4 years ago
Hello Everyone! I’m AnimeSam and I am bringing you an Addon that Generates Mob Tower Dungeon throughout Your Worlds. There are 8 Different Mob Towers to be found and conquered. I Hope You Enjoy
This addon includes 8 Different Dungeons called Mob Towers into You Worlds:
Stone Tower – All Biomes
Cobble Tower – All Biomes
Dessert Tower – Dessert, Mesa, Savannah
Mesa Tower – Mesa, Dessert, Savannah
Sea Tower – Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Beach, Shore
Ice Tower – All Cold Biomes
Nether Tower – All Biomes RARE
Mossy Tower – Jungles, Swamps, Tiaga
All of the Eight Different Mob Towers will spawn naturally in you world.
At the top most floor of every Mob Tower, the Player will encounter a new Mini Boss; The Tower Golem:
The Tower Golem drops Loot not unlike the Iron Golem, though no Poppy’s. They also drop 1-3 Diamonds! They Also have 150HP, and Attack the Player by shooting Fireballs out of it Eye.
Once The Tower Golem has been Defeated, The Tower Will Begin to “Fall” By Slowly Blowing Up one floor at a time, and then Crumble to about only 3-4 Floors remaining.
For more information please hop over to my YT and check out my latest MobTowers video!
Once You have Downloaded the .mcaddon file, and located where you saved it.
Windows 10 - Just Double click the .mcaddon file
Mobile - Untested
XBox - Reported Not Working
PS4 - unable
Nintendo Switch - Untested
Simply Select and activate the MobTowers BehaviorPack and ResourcePack when Creating a New World.
*Delete Any Previous Versions of MobTowers*