Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1167 - Published at: 4 years ago
Play with your friends in fun and engaging minigames in Minegames 3! There are 7 minigames, each built with it’s own unique gameplay and experiences! Each minigame was made to give the player the best experience possible! I hope you’ll check it out!
– Description –
What is Mingames 3?

The Minigames:
The Bridge is a fast paced 2 team PvP minigame! Your objective is to cross the bridge, try reach the other team’s base, and jump in their goal, which will score you a point! First to 5 points wins! You’ll have swords, armour, a diamond pickaxe and blocks in order to try and defeat the other team! Build a giant wall to defend your base, you rush your opponents all at once to try overwhelm them! The choice is yours! Be the first to score 5 points!
Kitted FFA is another PvP game but this one is an all against all minigame! Choose from one of 12 kits, and once everyone is ready, use the gear you get from your kit to fight other players and become the last player standing! Find out what kit works best for you, because some people are better with some kits than others. (My favourite is Brute!)
Knockoff contains PvP but has mildly less of it. In Knockoff, you’ll be placed on some floating platforms above the void. You get given a Punch 2 Bow, which does a large amount of knockback, in order to try knock your opponents off the platform. You have 5 lives. Once your lives are gone, you are out! Be the last person standing to win!
Playground is a chill minigame. Everyone is placed in the Playground area, and here, you can do whatever you want. You could do parkour. You could have a fight with your friends. You could do archery practice. You could even go AFK if you want to. There is no goal. Just chill out, and do what you want! There’s quite a few things to do, so just enjoy yourself! Keep in mind, you don’t get points in this minigame.
Duels is a, simple to understand, minigame. There are two teams, and both teams get given gear in order to battle out to be the last team standing. The gear the teams are given include, an iron sword, armour, a bow, arrows, and a couple golden apples.
Hide N Seek is just as you’d expect. There is one seeker, and everyone else is a hider. The seeker has to hit a hider once for them to become a seeker as well. The game ends when either the time runs out or there are no hiders left.
Skywars is similar to what you may have seen before. You (and your team) spawn on a sky-island with several chests with randomized loot in them. You goal is to be the last team standing, by using what you can find in your chests. You can use blocks to build over to other sky-islands and find more chests to get better loot. Crafting is also enabled, so you can craft better stuff if you find the resources to do so!
When you win a minigame, you get points. With these points, you can go into the in-game shop and get a trail or head. These won’t be able to be used inside minigames, unless it’s Playground but they’re fun to have and are good for showing off how good you are at winning!
Other Info:
Other info, such as how to start a minigame, how the shop works and more, can be found in the world. You can go to the Info Centre to check out this info, as well as other things. In theory, all important info should be there, but if not, feel free to leave a comment on the MCPEDL page, for me to see. I’ll hopefully reply to a decent amount of them. Hopefully…
I also have a YouTube Channel. There’s not much there, but if you want to, you could go have a look. I do a few command block tutorials and some other gaming stuff, so if you do decide to check it out, I hope you enjoy my content!
November Update:
Extra Credit:
How I got Floating Text:
– Keyyard’s Floating Text Addon –
by Keyyard
The Shader in the images:
– Enchanted HSPE Shader V2.5 –
by Wanze
In theory, you should just be able to download one of the files and they should work.
With the .mcworld file, you'll need to place the file anywhere in your Minecraft folder, and open it. (It should work now)
If you have the .zip file, you'll need to unzip and place the unzipped file in the Minecraft worlds folder, wherever that may be.