Download Minecraft Manhunt - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Minecraft Manhunt
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1416 - Published at: 5 years ago


Dream’s Minecraft Manhunt, but modified to Minecraft Pocket Edition. Click the Hunter buttons and Runner buttons for respective role. If you are a Hunter, simply throw down your compass/clock to face the direction of the runner!

How to Play:

The game is played with 2-4 players, with at least one player being a Hunter. The Hunter has infinite lives, and the Runner(s) try to beat the ender dragon before the hunter(s) kill the Runner(s). If the Runner dies at any point, to the hunter or any other death, then the hunter wins. If the Ender Dragon is killed, the runners win.


Hunters use a compass if they are Hunter #1, and a clock if they are Hunter #2. The compass, when dropped as an entity, will face Hunter #1 towards the direction of Runner #1, and the clock does the same for Hunter #2 and Runner #2. Make sure to sleep in a bed to set your spawn point, or else you will have to travel farther in order to catch up with the runner(s).


Run as far as you can, don’t let the hunters kill you. If you die, it’s game over. If they die, they respawn at their spawn points. The farther you travel, the longer it takes for the hunter to catch back up(if they didn’t use a bed). If you beat the ender dragon without dying, you win.


You can have multiple people be the same hunter, that is fine. A side effect of this would be that whenever the compass/clock is dropped, all hunters of the same type would face the corresponding runner. but multiple of the same runner won’t work because of how the command blocks work. If you want to learn how the command blocks work, you can keep reading. If you want more than two runners, just make a rule that the untracked player cant be too far away from the others.


If you want to make it harder for the hunters, then give the runners ! extra life, a head start, an extra player, whatever you want.

If you want to make it harder for the Runners, give the Hunter’s a starting kit, keep inventory, or some potion effects.

If you play this a-lot and don’t want to go to the same strongholds, teleport a few thousand blacks in a direction, or multiple directions, after you assign roles. Set the world spawn there, and start.

You could also copy the commands onto another world and do the challenge there. I’ll share how it works right now.

How it works:

To be specific, the buttons right next to where you spawn add a tag to your profile. The tag establishes the role that corresponds with the command block’s title. The “Runner” command block will label you as a “Runner”, and a “Hunter” will be given “Hunter”. These tags are important as they act as the variable which the other command blocks work. Inside the bedrock sphere are commands which detect when a compass/clock is dropped as an entity. It then teleports the corresponding hunter to the position they were already in, but faces them towards the tagged runner’s position. I have added a notepad document which contains all the commands, the command block settings, and what commands you need access to. This will make it really easy to add the commands into a different world. 

This map Idea is completely inspired by the Youtuber Dream and his minecraft plugin. Please support him on YouTube and on patreon(links below) because he is awesome and he deserves all the success and praise he has. If you haven’t heard of him, and you like minecraft(why else are you here?), then go watch all his videos. They are some of THE most entertaining minecraft videos out there.

I hope you enjoy, and please check out the links below like I said before. None of this would have been made without Dream. If you watch YouTube PERIOD, you will probably like Dream and his amazing content.

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Simply click on the Mcworld file after it downloads, and it will appear as a map in your map library. Have fun!


