Download Minecraft Dungeons Replicas Addon (Beta) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Minecraft Dungeons Replicas Addon (Beta)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 2001 - Published at: 4 years ago


What if Minecraft Dungeons is in Minecraft Bedrock? Is it fascinating, isn’t it.

Caution Beta !

This add-on try to replicate a Minecraft Dungeons as same as possible from the real game. There are mobs, furniture, and many more that could be introduce ! . It could summon things, Blow things, add a new challenge to you, fight with them, play with them, as long as you can. I very happy to introduce this add-on for many players !

 1.16.100 Compatibility & Revamped Update
This update revamped almost behavior that currently on Dungeon Replicas 1.0.5 and add some new addition to the add-on. Most of the behaviors are changed to make it more accurate and the new update fix many bugs that impact the gameplay. Dungeon Replicas has been delayed for a while A MONTH AGO due to i need to learn more things more about add-ons, i hope you understand. Enjoy !

Let’s see what i added :

Arch Illager

The Arch Illager, corrupted by evil, driven by vengeance. This who your searching for.
Health : 340
Ability : Summon a bunch of Vindicator, Pillager, or Redstone Golem at small chance
Shoot an orb

This are the illager with magic and ability. There are Illusioner, Iceologer, Enchanter, and Geomancer. Each of them have an ability that unique and dangerous to the player.
The armored pillagers that available. This are the armorer and buffed version of Pillager.


The variant of skeletons that are in the add-on.
Nameless King = A Powerful boss that have an ability to mirror itself and summon a bunch of Skeleton Vanguards.
Necromancer = A skeleton that summon a bunch of Zombie
Skeleton Vanguard = A skeleton that use glaive and shield.
Mossy Skeleton = A skeleton that shoot poisonous arrow.
This are the Vindicators variant, There are vindicator chef, royal guard, armored with purple and blue variant.

Leapleaf, Whisperer, Quick growing vine, and Poison quill vine. This are the mobs that will hunt you in the jungle. All the mobs are from Jungle Awakens DLC.


This are the zombies that added to the add-on.
Jungle Zombie : A jungle variant that could poison you
Frozen Zombie : Shoot you with a snowball

Piggy Bank

A piggy bank. This cute little pig will drop a chest when being killed. The chest come with a decent loot.


This are the chest’s the available in the add-on. There are common chest, emerald chest, mission loot chest, fancy chest, and obsidian chest.

Corrupted Cauldron

Corrupted Cauldron, the one who makes a potion for the Arch Illager. It’s dark, powerful, but not powerful as you expected to.

Health : 260

Area Damage : 5 with range up to 2

Ability : Summon a bunch of Cauldron Slime and set a fire in a pattern

Mob Spawner

Its the same as the normal one, but it only could summon a zombie. in this beta, there are still no particle’s or effect.

Health : 85

Ability : Summon Zombie

Redstone Cube

A minion who summoned by the Redstone Monstrosity.

Health : 24

Attack : 4

Redstone Golem

Make by the Arch Illager, raided the land, destroy all the village. in this beta, it could only attack.

Health : 340

Attack : 12

Ability : Summon a Redstone Mines

Redstone Monstrosity

Powerful monster who have a ability that kill you. You need a good armor and sword to fight him. The ability is still on progress.

Health : 515

Ability : Summon a bunch of Redstone Cube

Attack : 16 knockback damage


A ghost, ya it’s a ghost. It attack you and give a wither effect. in this beta, it could only attack.

Health : 24

Attack : 5
Key Golem

Sleepy little key that can open a door. Key Golem will drop a loot of itself, the item is wearable and summonable.
Artifact and Items
This are the artifacts and items that available in the add-on.


This is the sword that currently finish. But ( Sword ) it could only give an attack damage..

– The CODE, ANIMATIONS, ADD-ON ( DUNGEONS REPLICAS ) and SOME OF THE ASSETS that made by ME are licensed by CC BY 4.0,
– You cannot use the code,
– Do not publish it anywhere without my permissions,
– Do not credit me with Media Fire,
– Credit me as always by putting the MCPEDL add-on link or my twitter account,
– The CODE, ANIMATIONS, ADD-ON ( DUNGEONS REPLICAS ) and SOME OF THE ASSETS that made by ME are licensed by CC BY 4.0  ( ).



1. Extract the files,

2. Move it to you " resource pack " and " behavior pack " folder,

3. In Minecraft, make sure to turn on the add-on.

Turn on Holiday Creator Features and Addition of Modding Compatibilities !


