Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 996 - Published at: 4 years ago
Oh hi! Glad you visited my addon!
This addon modified all of the mobs 10x stronger!
Challenge yourself or with friends, finish Minecraft with this.
You’re going to have a bad time getting food.
Surviving in the night.
And getting materials!
Yes you heard it! They are now stronger!
Having this addon will modifiy:
- Bat
- Cat
- Chicken
- Cod
- Cow
- Donkey
- Fox
- Horse
- Mooshroom
- Mule
- Ocelot
- Parrot
- Pig
- Baby piglin
- Baby polar bear
- Rabbit
- Salmon
- Fish
- Skeleton horse
- Snow golem
- Squid
- Strider
- Turtle
- Tropical fish
- Drowned(when in water and day)
- Villagers
- Wandering trader
- Bee
- Cave spider
- Spider
- Panda
- Polar bear
- Pufferifish
- Enderman
- Iron golem(village)
- Wolf
- Zombified piglin
- Piglin
- Llama
- Wolf
- Blaze
- Chicken jockey
- Creeper
- Elder guardian
- Drowned
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Magma cube
- Phantom
- Pillager
- Ravager
- Shulker
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Skeleton horseman
- Slime
- Spider jockey
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Witch
- Wither skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie villager
Boss mobs:
- Ender dragon
- Wither
A pig has 10 health times 10 of that is 100
A zombie can damage about 2-3 hearts times 10 of that is 20-30
A chicken that has 2 hearts, times 10 of that is 20
Copyright warning
You can distribute this with my permission and proper credits in your youtube channel
My channel!
Only bedrock
Fun facts:
This addon was inspired by fundy
Almost of the mobs can 1 hit you
More health more damage=hard time
Click the link
Download the addon
Then click it and will automatically launch minecraft
After importing it:
Go to your worlds
Activate the resource and behavior packs
Go to your world
And get killed instantly