Download Mine-Pogo Add-on - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Mine-Pogo Add-on
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 864 - Published at: 5 years ago


The Mine-Pogo is essentially a pogo stick which can be used for jumping uncontrollably around in your world. In that sense, it is not the most convenient vehicle but it definitely looks fun. There is one blue pogo and another red one and both of them function the same way.

Creator: MicoLets_MC, Twitter Account

How to use a pogo stick?

You can either find one by locating an ocean monument (since they replace guardians and elder guardians) or you can use a guardian spawn egg. The easiest way to mount one is to spawn it in one block deep water.

  • iOS / Android: Long press on the pogo stick and press Ride
  • Windows 10: Right-click on the pogo stick to ride it

As soon as you are seated on the pogo stick then you can break the blocks around you (or remove the water) to make it start jumping.

There is really no way which you can control it. The only options you’ve got are to continue riding it or get off the stick.


  1. Download Addon .McAddon
  2. Activate the packs for a world in-game

You can get a .ZIP file for this addon here.

