Download MindDud PE Christmas Spirits [Puzzle] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: MindDud PE Christmas Spirits [Puzzle]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 903 - Published at: 4 years ago


MindDud PE Christmas Spirits is a puzzle map consisting of four complex puzzle levels. In the map you will find Christmas gifts, snowmen and Christmas trees. The map stays true to its name – if you want to get into the Christmas spirit while doing some brain training then this map is for you. But be warned, MindDud is a popular map series specifically known for being very difficult to complete. But if you are someone who enjoy some brain workout then give this map a try.

Creator: Future Gunner, Twitter Account


Block Explanations

  • Polished Granite: lets you place the the blocks which were mentioned in the level
  • Polished Diorite: lets you place snow on it
  • Soul Sand: lets you place any wooden blocks on it
  • Netherrack: lets you place any redstone materials on it


  • Don’t place blocks unless in placeholders (see “Block Explanations” further up)
  • Play on peaceful

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Other MindDud Maps


