Download Melon Seeds - Items
MC: Melon Seeds
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 884 - Published at: 5 years ago


Melon seeds are an item that can be used to grow melon plants. They can be found in Abandoned Mine Shaft Chests, or crafted from melon slices. Melon slices in turn can be obtained by Trading, or by mining a Melon block, which (as of version 1.7) is occasionally found in Jungle Biomes. As of version 1.7, the various forms of melons are somewhat more difficult to find, as both dungeons and jungles are much rarer. The easiest way to find them is now to purchase the slices from Villagers. Melon seeds can be planted on farmland. Over time, they grow into a stem and produce a Melon on any adjacent Dirt, Grass or Farmland block. If a melon is already occupying an adjacent dirt/grass or farmland spot, the stem will not grow any more melons until the melon is removed. When a melon grows on farmland it turns into a regular dirt block. A single stem can grow an unlimited number of melons. Melon seeds take a longer time to grow than other crops, and breaking a melon block yields 3-7 melon slices which can be used as a reliable food source. Melon blocks only grow when no opaque block is directly above the stem. Melon seeds, as with other seeds, need a certain amount of light to grow. A Torch seems to be the minimum lighting needed. Redstone Torches or very little light cause the seeds to pop out of the ground and can be picked up again. This allows for semi-automatic farming, This is because when the plants pop out of the ground because of low lighting, they may occasionally return 2 seeds to the planter. Melon Seeds are affected by bone meal only with respect to stem growth -- bone meal does not help produce the actual melons. Additional information regarding farming melons can be found under Melon Farming.


