Download Mech Mod - Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
MC: Mech Mod
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons
Viewed: 2646 - Published at: 5 years ago


The Mech Mod is the most advanced vehicles mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition. It adds 21 vehicles to the game. Everything from a fast yellow sports car to a British fighter aircraft which can drop bombs. The vehicle models are breathtaking and the user experience is fantastic.

Creator: TDS200


How to use the vehicles?

All vehicles can be crafted (see crafting recipes further down). Place down the vehicle by tapping with the vehicle item on the ground. Use a fuel can on a vehicle to fill it up.

Press down your finger on the screen (in the air) and then move it over the vehicle. A Ride button will then show up in the bottom center of the screen.

Once you’ve entered a vehicle use a fuel can (ID: 1001) to fill it up. Then re-enter the vehicle.

Then use the Gas and Brake buttons on the right side of the screen and the normal controllers to drive the vehicle.


We recorded a short video demonstrating how to drive a vehicle.

General Item(s)

  • Fuel Can (1001) – 4 coal + 1 iron ingot


The bulldozer is a construction vehicle equipped with a plow which can be used to clear the ground off blocks that are in the way.

  • Bulldozer (2000) – 1 bulldozer plow + 1 engine + 1 dandelion yellow + 1 vehicle chassis + 2 cat tracks
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Vehicle Chassis (1004) – 4 iron ingots + 1 leather + 1 glass pane
  • Cat Tracks (1011) – 7 iron ingots + 2 large wheels
  • Bulldozer Plow (1100) – 8 iron ingots + 1 dandelion yellow
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot

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Red Car

Rev the engine and triple the speed in Minecraft with this red hot car.

  • Red Car (2002) – 4 large wheels + 1 rose red + 1 vehicle chassis + 1 engine
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Vehicle Chassis (1004) – 4 iron ingots + 1 leather + 1 glass pane

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The tank is a literally deadly machine which can be used to fire TNT blocks at your enemies. It’s slower than the car but much more dangerous and used for offensive attacks where massive destruction is the goal.

  • Tank (2006) – 2 cat tracks + 1 engine + 1 cactus green + 1 tank body
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Tank Body (1012) – 7 iron ingots + 1 wooden trapdoor + 1 redstone
  • Cat Tracks (1011) – 7 iron ingots + 2 large wheels
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot

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See the world of Minecraft from the sky. Not only will you experience amazing views but you will also gain a lot of time as walking can be a very time-consuming task, as you probably know by now.

  • Biplane (2001) – 1 wooden propeller + 1 engine + 2 wooden wings + 1 wooden cockpit + 1 wooden tail
  • Wooden Propeller (1015) – 1 iron ingot + 3 sticks
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Wooden Wing (1007) – 6 wooden planks + 2 sticks
  • Wooden Tail (1005) – 4 wooden planks
  • Wooden Cockpit (1006) – 2 large wheels + 1 boat

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Attack your enemies more safely from air. Drop bombs on them or why not fire some arrows. All of this can be achieved by using the Spitfire aircraft. It’s much faster than the biplane too.

  • Spitfire (2003) – 1 metal propeller + 1 engine + 2 metal wings + 1 metal cockpit + 1 metal tail + 1 bomb bay
  • Metal Propeller (1016) – 4 iron ingots
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Metal Wing (1010) – 6 iron ingots + 3 iron bars
  • Metal Cockpit (1008) – 1 glass pane + 1 minecart + 2 large wheels
  • Metal Tail (1009) – 4 iron ingots
  • Bomb Bay (1017) – 7 iron ingots + 1 wooden trapdoor
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot

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Police Car

Dress as a cop, drive a police car and chase down criminals.

  • Police Car (2005) – 4 large wheels + 1 rose red + 1 vehicle chassis + 1 engine
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Vehicle Chassis (1004) – 4 iron ingots + 1 leather + 1 glass pane
  • Ink Sac (351)


Sports Car

The sports car is much faster than a normal car. To increase the speed of the vehicle tap on the GAS PEDAL button that will be displayed on the right when you have entered the car.

  • Sports Car (2004) – 1 engine + 1 vehicle Chassi + 1 danelion Yellow + 4 large wheels + 1 ink sac
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Vehicle Chassis (1004) – 4 iron ingots + 1 leather + 1 glass pane
  • Ink Sac (351)

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The bike is the perfect pedal-driven vehicle for getting around easily. The speed can be gradually increased by tapping the FORWARD button and to slow down or go backwards you can tap the BACKWARD button.

  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Bike Frame (1181) – 3 iron ingots
  • Bike (2009) – 2 wheels + 1 bike frame

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Enter the future and seat yourself at the driver seat of a spaceship. It looks very much as fictional spaceships commonly known as flying saucers (normally piloted by aliens).

To fly the spaceship simply steer in the direction you want to go and then press FORWARD or BACKWARD. It’s armed with two weapons. One gun which fires arrows and another which lets you drop TNT bombs.

  • UFO (2007) – 3 iron blocks + 1 glass + 1 engine
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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The helicopter is armed with one machine gun and a missile launcher. The rotating helicopter blades alongside the amazing sound effects make the experience quite realistic. It is a really powerful airborne fighting vehicle effecient for battles against zombies, creepers and other monsters.

  • Helicopter (2008) – 3 cactus green + 1 iron ingot + 1 metal wing + 1 metal tail + 1 engine + 1 metal cockpit
  • Metal Wing (1010) – 6 iron ingots + 3 iron bars
  • Metal Tail (1009) – 4 iron ingots
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Metal Cockpit (1008) – 1 glass pane + 1 minecart + 2 large wheels
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot

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Take your scooter around town for small errands. The top speed is much faster than what we imagined. It’s the perfect getaway vehicle when creepers are closing in.

  • Scooter (2015) – 2 small wheels + 3 iron ingots
  • Small Wheels (1018) – 4 leathers + 1 iron ingot

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The skateboard comes handy when you want to travel shorter distances faster than running.

  • Skateboard (2014) – 3 droppers + 2 small wheels
  • Small Wheels (1018) – 4 leathers + 1 iron ingot

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It’s sad we haven’t managed to invent hoverboards yet. It started back in ’80s with the Back to the Future movies. But the invention never really became a reality which some thought. But hey, it’s not too late. 10 more years and maybe we’ll have them!

Anyways, if you enjoy the idea of a hoverboard then you will like this. It’s similar to a skateboard, except that it is hovering and got no wheels.

  • Hoverboard (2016) – 2 small wheels + 1 iron ingot + 2 redstones
  • Small Wheels (1018) – 4 leathers + 1 iron ingot

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Always wanted to become a professional circus clown? Here’s your chance. A unicycle! Basically it’s a bike with just one wheel.

  • Unicycle (2013) – 1 large wheel + 2 iron ingots
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot

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Jet Ski

The Jet Ski is a water scooter which is perfect when you want to have some fun out on the open sea. It’s quite speedy too!

  • Jet Ski (2012) – 6 iron ingots + 1 engine
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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Fishing Boat

Take this small boat out on the ocean and see if you can catch some fish. Sit back, relax and enjoy the fresh air of pixels in Minecraft.

  • Small Boat (2010) – 7 iron ingots + 1 engine
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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Speed Boat

This is the boat to use when you aim for speed. It’s perfect to have parked at your base and use as a getaway boat when the monsters are closing in.

  • Speed Boat (2011) – 6 iron ingots + 2 engines
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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Dirt Bike

The dirt bike is a quick vehicle perfect for driving off-road.

  • Dirt Bike (2017) – 2 large wheel + 1 bike frame + 1 engine
  • Bike Frame (1020) – 3 iron ingots
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot

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ATV 4 Wheeler

ATV stands for all-terrain vehicle. And that sums up this vehicle nicely as it can be driven in most terrains. Even though it’s a bit more bulky than other vehicles it’s quite fast.

  • 4 Wheeler (2018) – 2 large wheels + 1 wooden tail + 1 engine
  • Wooden Tail (1005) – 4 wooden planks
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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Side By Side UTV

The idea of this vehicle is to host several people and cargo on the back. However, as of now, it can only be driven by one player.

  • Side By Side (2019) – 2 large wheels + 1 vehicle chassis + 1 engine
  • Vehicle Chassis (1004) – 4 iron ingots + 1 leather + 1 glass pane
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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Dune Buggy

This vehicle is the ultimate transportation vehicle in desert biomes. Not only does it look really cool but it’s also very fast.

  • Dune Buggy (2020) – 2 large wheels + 1 vehicle chassis + 1 engine
  • Vehicle Chassis (1004) – 4 iron ingots + 1 leather + 1 glass pane
  • Large Wheel (1003) – 4 leather + 1 iron ingot
  • Engine (1002) – 4 flint & steel + 5 iron ingots

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Install Guide

You need the latest version of BlockLauncher (or get the latest free apk here) for the mod to work.

  1. Download the mod, textures and sounds.
  2. Open the BlockLauncher app.
  3. Begin by installing the textures zip.
  4. Then install the mod.
  5. Close BlockLauncher.
  6. The last thing which you need to install is the sounds. Use ES File Explorer (or some other file manager app) to find the downloaded sounds zip, extract it and then move the sound files to /games/com.mojang/MCPE_MECH/ (only move sound files here, e.g. wav, ogg and mp3 files). If the MCPE_MECH folder doesn’t exist already, then you need to create it yourself.
  7. You are now done and can go in-game using BlockLauncher and enjoy the Mech Mod!


Free Version:
Download Mod
Download Textures
Download Sounds

Pro Version:
Download (Pro App Version $2.99)

