MazinSkins is a series of blocky looking characters based of a texture pack named MazinPack! This is created by MazinWorld, along with many other skins, packs, servers, songs, and more!
MazinSkins is a series of blocky looking characters based of a texture pack named MazinPack! This is created by MazinWorld, along with many other skins, packs, servers, songs, and more!
Here are some images!
First Link is mediafire, simply click the download with the file size to download!
Second link is adfly! Skip ad and accept notifications to get the download! (Optional)
0.14.3 Seeds Parkour Maps 1.3+ Seeds 0.15.1 Seeds PvP Maps Adventure Maps Redstone Maps 0.10.3 Seeds 0.14.0+ Seeds 1.0.7 Seeds