Download Legend of Zelda Wind Waker – Outset Island [Adventure] - Minecraft PE Maps
MC: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker – Outset Island [Adventure]
Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1065 - Published at: 4 years ago


Outside Island is the started location in The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. This is Link starts his adventure to save his sister from a Fortress. I will be updating this map in the future. I hope that you will enjoy this map. 

I will still be Updating the map this Month!

It took me one month to build this map, I hope that you will be Enjoing this map.

Tou can visit locations like the Sword School, grandma’s house, the Broken Bridge and the Big Watch tower.

             Outset Island from above!

Just an image where you can see this island from above.

            Outset Island Watch Tower

This is the spawn location where the game starts.

                 Outset Island Forrest

This is the Place where you encounter the First enemies! and this is even the Place where you meet tetra for the First time.

This is probably not my last Legend of Zelda Map!

You are allowed to Add Stuff to the Map, But you are not allowed to reupload this map.

SUBSCRIBE for notifications when I Upload New Maps!

Stay Inside, Safe & Healthy.


1. Click the Download link.
2. wait until the download is done.
3. enter minecraft.
4. press play.


