Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 996 - Published at: 4 years ago
Having thoughts of leashing every default Minecraft mobs and or entities, this add-on will enable you to do so. “LEASH ALL MOBS” from its name is an add-on that allows you to leash and or tie all of the in-game mobs, including the ender dragon, wither boss, as well as other terrestrial, aerial, marine animals and monsters, plus!, some other objects such as minecarts and armour stand. This add-on is for Minecraft Bedrock 1.14 and 1.16+ (Mobile & Windows 10 Edition).
Complete list of added leash-able mobs and stuffs:
- Bat
- Blaze
- Cat
- Cave_Spider
- Cod
- Creeper
- Drowned
- Elder_Guardian
- Ender_Dragon
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Husk
- Magma_Cube
- Panda
- Phantom
- Piglin [In 1.16]
- Pillager
- Puffer_Fish
- Ravager
- Salmon
- Sea_Turtle
- Shulker
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Slime
- Spider
- Stray
- Tropical_Fish
- Vex
- Villager
- Vindicator
- Wandering_Trader
- Witch
- Wither_Boss
- Wither_Skeleton
- Wolf [Untamed]
- Zombie
- Zombie_Pigman [Adult and Baby]
- Zombie_Villager
Other stuffs:
- Armour_Stand
- Minecarts (Tnt, Hopper, Chest and Command_Block)
-All non-leashable mobs in the game can now be leashed.
-Tropical Fish (Type b) and Baby Zombie Pigman has a higher lead locator.
-The trade button on the Villager and Wandering Trader will appear again if they’re not been leashed and if the player is not currently holding a lead.
-Enabling the Experimental Gameplay is not required.
-For 1.16 it is not advisable to use alongside with other older add-ons.
-Wither Boss will be unleashed accidentally if it became more aggressive, the same as Enderman as it teleports and also with Phantoms as it flew above.
-Shulkers cannot be pulled with lead.
-Ender Dragon cannot be tied on a fence.
-Minecarts have invisible leads but still works
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MODS GOLEM – Enhanced Models for MCPE
addons for minecraft
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1. After downloading, go and individually click the behavior and resource “.mcpack” file opening the game.
2. Once successfully imported, create your new world and activate both the resource and behavior pack.
3. And also, don’t forget to enable “experimental gameplay“.