Download Kiwi Survival+ Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Kiwi Survival+ Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1281 - Published at: 4 years ago


Do you want your survival world to look more like your favorite YouTuber’s, but don’t have a ridiculous amount of time to put into your world? Then, this is the addon for you!!!


Do you want your survival world to look more like your favorite YouTuber’s, but don’t have a ridiculous amount of time to put into your world? Then, this is the addon for you!!! Kiwi Survival+ aims to make the resource-gathering part of Minecraft just a little bit easier, so that you have more time to focus on building, redstoning… whatever you do in your survival world.

In this current version, Kiwi Survival+ adds 6 new recipes to the game, but in the future, there will be new mobs, blocks, and even structures!

Crafting Recipes

You can now craft sticky pistons with honey bottles! However, this recipe is currently bugged, and you do not get your bottle back. It’s also shapeless as of now, but in the future, it will be shaped as shown below.

If you’re having trouble finding diamonds, you can use a piston to compress your excess coal into diamonds. However, using this recipe does break (consume) the piston (and this is not a bug).

You can also now turn your magma cream back into slimeballs using a water bucket. However, this does currently consume the bucket (which is a bug that I plan on fixing).

If you wanna fly around your world without raiding the End, then you can use this recipe to turn your leather chestplate into an elytra.

Similarly, if you don’t want to go to the End to obtain a Minecraft-backpack, you can use this recipe to create shulker shells (and turn them into shulker boxes).

Finally, you can also put rotten flesh into a furnace or smoker to get leather. This should make getting an enchantment setup much easier. Unfortunately, the image didn’t work for this recipe, but I promise you that it’s in there (thanks, MCPEDL!)


If you use this addon in a YouTube video (or other similar service), just mention that you’re using the Kiwi Survival+ Addon. That’s all I ask. Real simple. Maybe provide the MCPEDL link if you’re feeling extra generous.

And, if you want, I have a YouTube channel called Kiwi Toothpick that you can check out. I’ll probably do a video for the next version of this add-on, which will feature a bunch of new stonecutter recipes.


Make sure to turn on experimental gameplay!!!


