Download kick me from the hill: Extreme Hills, Stronghold & Village - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: kick me from the hill: Extreme Hills, Stronghold & Village
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 895 - Published at: 5 years ago


Here is a seed which offer several different types of enviroments to explore just as you’ve spawned in the seed. The first thing you will notice are the impressive mountains surrounding the village you’ll spawn at. Nearby the village is also a swamp biome which gives the seed a mystic vibe, especially during the evening and night.


In the village there is a blacksmith and in which you will find the following items in a chest:

  • 2 emeralds
  • 2 gold ingots
  • 2 apples
  • 1 iron helmet

Here’s a nice view of some the mountains.


To get to the stronghold go to the well at the center of the village. Dig down beside it and you will soon see some mossed bricks and that’s when you’ve found the strairwell which leads down to the stronghold.

extreme3 extreme4

Seed: kick me from the hill

