Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 992 - Published at: 4 years ago
WE GET IT, Minecraft is too easy for you, don’t you wish there was more challenge to it, well now there is. In this game, its all up to karma, you could be lucky and get not too hard challenges, or you could be unlucky and get all of the worst challenges, its all up to lady karma. Can you beat this challenge, or are you as much of a WIMP as the others.
KARMA’S WORST_AGE OF REDIMPTION is a game that can be played by yourself or with one other person, and is made to be speedran. is a much harder version of just regular survival, with adding challenges and other thing to make a speedrun harder and more fun. Your goal is to beat the selected goal, your goal can be to collect the dragon egg, collect the nether star, or collect every ore block and 1 netherite ingot. How your game will also be played s based of what game mode you also picked before the game starts, there are 4 regular game modes and 2 alternate game modes. Once you start the game, you will be dropped in 1 out of 300 different locations, so you can replay the game many times.
Game modes determine how you be given challenges and how the flow of the game will be set for you.
Runs determine what items or places will give you challenges if the game modes determines challenges through items and places, and determines your end goal
you gain challenges by collecting items specific to the run you are playing
you play with an opponent and gain challenges by your opponent collecting items specific to the run you are playing
you gain a challenge every 20 minutes, you can only have a max of 10 challenges
you play with an opponent and gain a challenge every 20 minutes, you can only have a max of 10 challenges
Its regular deathswap, but you gain a challenge every 20 minutes and you swap every 5 minutes
its regular manhunt, but the goal of is based on the run and everyone get challenges based of when the hunted collects items.
Your goal is to collect the ender dragon egg in every game mode, If the game mode causes challenges to be gained from going to places specific, spawning specific mobs, and collecting specific item. those are..
Starting the game
Collecting iron
Collecting diamonds
Entering the nether
Collecting eye of enders
Entering the end
Collecting totems of undying
Collecting enchanted golden apples
Your goal is to collect the ender dragon egg in every game mode, If the game mode causes challenges to be gained from going to places specific, spawning specific mobs, and collecting specific item. those are..
Starting the game
Collecting iron
Collecting diamonds
Entering the nether
Collecting wither skeleton skulls
Spawning the wither
Collecting totems of undying
Collecting enchanted golden apple
Your goal is to collect the every ore block (including quartz block) and one netherite ingot in every game mode, If the game mode causes challenges to be gained from going to places specific, spawning specific mobs, and collecting specific item. those are..
Starting the game
Collecting iron
Collecting gold
Colleting emeralds
Collecting diamonds
Collecting netherite ingots
Collecting totems of undying
Collecting enchanted golden apples
Challenges are challenges of multiple different difficulties, trying to hindering you, making the game overall more difficult, adding twists, preventing you form using strategies or items, and making you think about other way to solve a problem. How you gain challenges is based of the game mode and run you picked. there are up to 80+ challenges in this game, allowing up to 640+ combinations of challenges when doing standard based game modes, and 800+ combinations of challenges when doing timed based game modes, sometimes you can get lucky and a not get a challenge, but this don’t happen much.
These are some of the challenges you will have to deal with:
- GAME START SECTION: Press the start button once you pick the run and game mode you want to play with
- RUN SELECTION: These buttons are what determine what run you are playing
- GAME MODE SELECTION: These buttons are what determine what run you are playing
- INFORMARION SECTION: This is were info about what you need to collect to win a run and what starts challenges is located.
- CREDITS SECTION: this is the credits and people who helped make the game and supported it
- OPTIONS: Located near information section, this are options allowing you to change parts of the game, such as remove challenges and hard mode
This game is made to be speedran and I encourage you to, join the discord to show off your speedrun and compete with others on the discord for world records.
Join my discord to interact with others who play this game and others that I’ve made, also allowing you to give suggestions and download other games I’ve made.
I also stream on twitch and going on the discord can notify you when I’m streaming, I play my games and sometimes other games and you can play with me on stream.
If you use the star discord server link (THANK YOU) click it link, you should be sent to join the discord, once you have you will be sent to the welcome channel and in the welcome channel, there will be a blue highlighted part named #🎮games, click that and then find the game you want to download.
If you picked the regular link all you have to do is click the link and then press download.