Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1512 - Published at: 4 years ago
Found on Windows 10, version 1.16.201
In this seed you land next to a river, separating jungle and spruce by only a few blocks. How this happens I’m not sure, considering spruce forests are cold biomes and jungles are hot. Either way, if you love both of these wood types this seed is great for a survival world.
Spawn point: 44, 70, 4
In relation to the spawn point these structures are closest..
Village: 168, y, -696
Pillager Outpost: 568, y, -1848
Mineshaft: 16, y, -288
Smiling Ravine: -937, y, -10 🙂
Ocean Monument: -728, y, 760
Ocean Ruins: 248, y, -152
Shipwreck: 520, y, -152
Second Shipwreck: -625, y, 832
Third Shipwreck: -578, y, 998
Ruined Portal: -600, y. 216
Desert Temple: -440, y, -136
Jungle Temple: -277, y, 134
Second Jungle Temple: -949, y, 366
Third Jungle Temple: -1285, y, 82
Stronghold: 1234, y, -846
Somehow, I keep finding mob spawners inside the stronghold of each seed I’ve posted..
Seed ID