Download Jeeps Addon - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Jeeps Addon
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1820 - Published at: 5 years ago


This is one of the best car addons which you can currently find for Minecraft Pocket Edition. It includes an amazingly detailed jeep which even got custom sounds when you drive it. Choose between 12 different colors and find one you would like to drive. It works great in most terrains (except for water where it will sink).

Creator: Gona, Twitter Account
Updated: 10 June, 2017 (read changelog)

How does it work?

To drive a car you first need to spawn one using a spider or cave spider spawn egg. This addon includes 6 different resource packs and in each one there are two cars. The only difference between the cars are simply the colors.

  • iOS / Android: Approach the car, long press it and press Drive to enter the vehicle
  • Windows 10: Right-click the vehicle

If you want to drive the car then you will need a key (carrot on a stick). Hold the key in your hand to start driving. You can stop at any time by unequipping the key.

The jeep has container storage for up to 27 stacks of items or blocks.

The headlights will shine when it’s dark.

The latest update includes a texture pack for a military jeep. It exists as two different colors.

Blue and Red:

Green and Purple:

Black and White:

Orange and Green:

Lime and Yellow:

Military Jeeps (Green and Blue):


  • Updated to work with the latest MCPE version
  • Behaviors remade
  • Custom item names
  • Custom sounds
  • The jeep chest works again
  • The cave spider jeep jumps properly again


  1. Download Behavior .McPack
  2. Download one of the following resource pack
    1. Red and Blue .McPack
    2. Black and White .McPack
    3. Orange and Green .McPack
    4. Purple and Green .McPack
    5. Yellow and Lime .McPack
    6. Military Jeeps (Green and Blue) .McPack
  3. Activate the pack for a world in-game

You can get a .ZIP file for this addon here.

