Download Large Fern - Items
MC: Large Fern
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 1055 - Published at: 5 years ago


Grass (commonly named Tall Grass or Long Grass) spawns on grass blocks in certain biomes. Grass is not a solid block, but rather an aesthetic plant that does not obstruct movement, similar to Sugar Cane, Dead Bushes and Wheat. It occurs naturally and in larger quantities than the previous plants. Bone Meal can be used on a grass block to grow grass and occasionally flowers on it and in its vicinity. Grass has five variants. All five variants will occasionally drop seeds when broken; a hoe is not required to produce seeds from this block. In addition using shears to harvest the block itself will occasionally drop seeds as well (about 1/24 chance). Ferns occur naturally only in Jungle, Taiga, and Mega Taiga biomes. Unlike grass, they will not grow when a player uses bonemeal on a grass block. Ferns can be placed in flower pots. The non-naturally occurring dead shrub-looking variant is not the same as the dead bush. The real dead bush will generate naturally in desert and mesa biomes, and will not produce any resources when broken. The grass variant is not naturally-occurring and even though it looks like a dead bush, it cannot be placed on sand, and will drop seeds like the other variants of grass. Water will destroy any tall grass (as well as vines) in its way, so one can easily clear large areas covered in grass by using a bucket to place water, then pick it back up once all the tall grass in the vicinity has been destroyed. This can also be used for gathering seeds.

