Download Island – Shipwreck and Ocean Monument Near Spawn (Seed) - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: Island – Shipwreck and Ocean Monument Near Spawn (Seed)
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1113 - Published at: 4 years ago


This is my first submission to MCPEDL, and it was pretty fun, let me know if you’d like to see more seeds

Found on Windows 10, version 1.16.201

Spawn point is 486, 64, 0

This seed sets you on an island without trees, surrounded warm ocean and a coral reef. There is both icebergs and a mushroom island only a few hundred blocks away from spawn. The stronghold features a zombie spawner.

These coordinates are nearest to the spawn point,

Shipwreck: 376, y, -120

Ocean Monument: 328, y, -248

Second Ocean Monument: -366, 54, 253

Ruined Portal: 88, y, -280

Village: 568, y, -792

Ocean Ruins: 424, y, -168

Pillager Outpost: -2136, y, -3304

Mineshaft: 656, y, 144

Woodland Mansion: 264, y, 11688

Temple: 1096, y, -1416

Mushroom Island: -277, 67, -259

Stronghold: -286, y, 2354

End City: -936, y, -904

If you light a nether portal on the spawn island, the nearest fortress is at: -128, y, -224

And a bastion at: 360, y, 184

I found an abnormally tall crimson tree at: 381, 46, 116 lol

Please note that the y-coordinates do not show up with the /locate command 

Seed ID


