Info4U is an iOS-friendly (but compatible with all platforms) WAILA addon but instead of giving you information on what you’re looking at, it’s giving you detailed information of what you’re holding or wearing. The item names have been extended to include more details and some textures have been modified to also provide more information.
Creator: CodanRaigenXXI, Twitter Account
- Item / block info – The item name has dividers for the extra information
- Shows the data (magenta)
- Shows the ID (light blue)
- Shows the saturation value (orange, o = 1 hunger bar, 8 = 2 hunger bars)
- Spawn egg info – there’s a mob head badge on the top right corner of each spawn egg
- Passive (lime)
- Hostile (red)
- Neutral (magenta)
- Potion info – The effect symbol is on the top-right corner of the potion
- Positive effect (Purple)
- Negative effect (Red)
- Armor info – The armor bar count is on the bottom-left corner of the item
- Download Resources .McPack
- Start Minecraft
- Global Resources> Apply the pack
CTM Maps Minigame Maps 0.15.3 Seeds 0.11.1 Seeds 1.0.0+ Seeds 128x128 Simple Texture Packs Puzzle Maps Redstone Maps 0.10.0+ Seeds