Download infiniti: Savannah Mountains - Minecraft PE Seeds
MC: infiniti: Savannah Mountains
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1101 - Published at: 5 years ago


A seed mixing a flat landscape with a savannah biome. In the savannah you will find two massive mountains where one of them got a weird shape. Close to the two mountains you will find a small floating island.

When you have spawned you will see a flat landscape ahead of you.


Turn to your left and you will see the beginning of a savannah biome. Clim the hill to get to the top.


From the top of the hill you can catch a nice view of a waterfall, a massive mountains and another mountain shaped as a mushroom with a savannah tree on top of it.

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Further away from the two massive mountains is a small floating island made out of only dirt.


Seed: infiniti

