Download Hunger Points on Food Names - Minecraft PE Texture Packs
MC: Hunger Points on Food Names
Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs
Viewed: 1277 - Published at: 4 years ago


The amount of hunger points given for consuming a food item (and optionally other stats) is now shown in the name of that item!                                 

Please read the description before downloading. Thank you.

This pack does exactly what the title says. The amount of hunger points given for consuming a food item is now shown in the name of the food item! You can also choose for it to show the amount of time needed to eat it, and also armor points a piece of armor gives you, and the full durability of an item as well.

There are 3 different modes available!

Go into Global Resources, activate the pack, and click on the cog next to the Deactivate button.

Then simply choose what things you want to see on item names.

Hunger Points Only mode

The amount of hunger points given after being consumed is shown after the name of the item.

^ Cooked Beef: gives 8 Hunger Points, 4 Hunger Bars

^ Baked Potato: gives 5 Hunger Points, 2.5 Hunger Bars

^ Cake: entire Cake gives 14 Hunger Points, 7 Hunger Bars

Detailed Item Names mode

Shows Hunger & Armor Points, Time To Use Consumables, Max Item Durability, Tools Default Attack Damage and Mob HP on Spawn Eggs

The durability section only displays the full durability of an item, and the attack damage section only displays the default value of an unenchanted tool. There is currently no way to change item names according to their durability in Bedrock.

^ Cooked Cod: fills 2.5 Hunger Bars, takes 1.6 seconds to eat

^ Dried Kelp: fills 0.5 Hunger Bars, takes 0.8 seconds to eat

^ Honey Bottle: fills 3 Hunger Bars, takes 2 seconds to drink

^ Netherite Chestplate: gives 4 Armor Icons. It has a maximum of 592 durability.

^ Netherite Sword: does 9 attack damage when unechanted, and has a maximum of 2031 durability. 

^ Elytra: It has a maximum of 432 durability.

^ Piglin Brutes have 50 Health Points, or 25 Hearts.

^ Goats have 10 Health Points, or 5 Hearts. (Available in beta with Caves and Cliffs in Experimental Gameplay turned on)

Please report any bugs you found in the comments! More languages will be supported in the future. This pack will be updated to include new items in upcoming Minecraft updates.

Follow me on Twitter (@HonKit1103) for behind the scenes and updates!



1. When activating this pack, put it in your Global Resources, and under any other packs that changes the names of items.

2. You are not allowed to re-distribute this pack anywhere else. If you are showcasing this pack, please put the link to this page and credit me. You are not allowed to set up a new download link!

3. You should always backup your world once in a while when playing. I am not responsible for any loss.

4. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


