Category:Minecraft PE Maps
Viewed: 1234 - Published at: 4 years ago
Hello, and welcome to the download page for our Harry Potter map. Whether you seen version 1 and 2, or are just trying this map for the first time now, you will see we are fully committed to bringing the best Harry Potter experience we can on the Bedrock edition of Minecraft.
This map, as before, includes tons of Harry Potter locations. (Coordinates down below) From Hogwarts, to The Burrow, to London, to Diagon Alley, The Ministry of Magic all the way to the Quidditch world cup. There’s tons of secret passages, hidden areas, and objects to find. Be on the lookout for them
Videos are more than welcome, please tag me in them on Twitter @VagueNightmares, and please give credit.
Ancient runes -121 92 -289
Ancient studies -147 101 -289
Aragog’s lair 94 4 -879
Arithmancy -147 82 -290
Art class -134 77 -278
Astronomy classroom -106 142 -467
Astronomy library -114 125 -459
Azkaban -1373 153 937
Bathilda Bagshot House -55 4 855
Boat house 29 6 -229
Boys bathroom (leads to Gryffindor common room) -134 117 -302
Boys lavatory -188 51 -289
Charms classroom -176 78 -514
Dartmoor Campsite (World Cup) 2500 16 2986
Death party -75 18 -381
Defense against the dark arts -131 75 -307
Detention chamber -184 63 -352
Divination classroom -115 95 -458
Dumbledore’s grave -285 6 -166
Dumbledore office -148 165 -289
Earth magic -122 102 -289
Enlarged TP Hub and added new locations 31 7 1980
Filch’s Office -124 39 -196
First task (dragons) -312 60 -581
Fishing town / fishermen town 194 4 561
Fluffy -143 63 -352 / Entrance to philosopher’s / sorcerer’s stone
Gaunt’s shack -925 4 343
Girls bathroom -140 117 -278
Grand Staircase -133 52 -288
Graveyard Little Hangleton -747 5 186
Gringotts Wizarding Bank (Vaults and cart ride) 410 4 1472
Gryffindor Crommon Room -132 127 -303
Hagrid’s Hut -382 7 -246
History of Magic -120 62 -289 / Cuthbert Binns office -118 73 -304
Hogsmeade -331 4 101
Hogwarts entrance -120 41 -242
Homework club -153 64 -494
Horcrux cave 170 6 -2040
Hospital wing -194 91 -321
House on rock 201 6 498
Hufflepuff common room -127 19 -238
King’s Cross station 133 4 1640
Knight’s bus 146 4 1118
Ladies and boys toilets astronomy tower -114 83 -452
Laundry room -114 38 -432
Library -111 59 -458
London Zoo 355 4 736
Luchino caffe 247 4 1583
Luna Lovegood residence -468 4 1679
Poppy Pomfrey’s office (hospital wing / matron) -185 81 -321
Magical offices (ministry of magic) 94 81 2253
Magical theory -147 112 -290
Malfoy Manor 4950 11 5051
Maze entrance -246 10 -702
Ministry of Magic -134 81 2260
Mirror on fourth floor -134 107 -297
Muggle studies -120 72 -290
Mystification department / room with doors 216 4 2058
Olivanders wand shop 375 4 1483
Owlery -336 79 -441
Place where Harry casts Patronus against Dementors -389 7 -149
Place where Voldemort casts Avada Kedavra to Harry -417 4 -135
Portkey to Quidditch World Championship -256 20 1270
Potions class -64 18 -406
Potter Cottage (Godric’s Hollow) -90 4 885
Privet drive -4 4 1129
Prof Flitwick office -42 40 -391
Prof. Trelawney’s office -123 101 -431
Quidditch World Cup 3059 41 3002
Quidditch pitch -500 31 -308
Ravenclaw Common Room -67 63 -461
Restricted section -114 71 -458
Riddle manor -843 31 223
Room of Requirement -157 47 -520
Room of Rewards -155 65 -513
Shell Cottage 436 4 429
Slughorn’s house 95 6 805
Slughorn’s office -179 64 -514
Slytherin common room -70 5 -462
Snape’s storage room/cabinet -74 49 -439
Sphinx -274 25 -1683
Spinner’s End / Snape’s house 246 4 870
St. Mungo’s hospital 9 4 1392
Stone circle -391 38 -321
Storage below top astronomy tower -102 167 -470
Storage room (Mirror of Erised) -156 51 -356
Tapestry corridor -74 49 -447
Task two / second task 49 25 -2092
Task two / second task towers -8 28 -96
Teachers’ lounge -59 49 -447
Telephone booth to ministry of magic 102 4 1486
The Burrow -406 4 1502
The Hog’s Head -369 4 225
The Leaky Cauldron 268 4 1482
The Shrieking Shack -265 23 152
Top of Astronomy tower -101 173 -465
Original TP room -150 6 -556
Training grounds -184 37 -577
Transfiguration classroom -145 37 -494
Transfiguration courtyard -116 37 -485
Trophy room (Main) -163 21 -187
Trophy room -149 38 -455
Trophy Room A -172 75 -353
Unknown study room -43 40 -419
That’s likely not everything, but definitely most!